I started design notes to keep you posted with recent work and news about {SMD} and our wonderful clients. I also wanted to provide you with links to inspirational design and wedding sites. Stay tuned for photographs of events I've been thrilled to be a part of, new designs, and {SMD} events. Thanks for checking in, and please email if there is anything {SMD} can do for you.

Entries in sara lowman inetriors (2)


start-up stationery

I love this simple stationery set designed for Sarah Lowman {www.saralowman.com}. Letterpressed in Pantone Cool Gray 10 on Strathmore paper.


sara lowman interiors

I was thrilled to work with the lovely Sara Lowman on her Sara Lowman Interiors website, which launched earlier this month. Be sure to check out her beautiful blog to see her work and design tips at www.saralowmaninteriors.com/blog